Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 - the year anything is possible

Yesterday was my first day back at work in the new year. The first thing I did? Tell my boss I was leaving and where I was going. 

So how did I feel? A little something like this...

Thanks to Adam for introducing me to this clip. 

Happy 2009 everyone. I know we're looking forward to this year. I hope you are too. 


Anonymous said...

Congrats!! What a way to start the new year! And what a year it will be!

liz and adrian said...

Yours looks like it might be pretty amazing too Gillian.

See you in South America perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Resigning is such a good feeling, isn't it?

I think 2009 will be a very good year for all of us!

Renee said...

YAY!!! I can't wait to read about your travels. And leaving is a very good thing.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link Liz, I've added you too. I too, checked to see if we would be in SA at the same time...but no we're off by a month you're right. I'll be reading though...

Anonymous said...

Wow, Liz, this sounds great -- I'm green with envy! Enjoy every minute, beginning with the immense freedom you must have felt resigning ;) I can't wait to read all about your adventures ... take care and lots of pictures! Good luck!! Carolyn Verkuyl

Cheryl said...

heart this...and boo to this!

liz and adrian said...

Cheryl, you better be back from Chile before I go!