Saturday, September 6, 2008

so much to do so little time and money

Before I post about our Storm Watch Tour 2008. I have a big change. 

I'm going to do this post backwards, starting with so where are we now?

location: Toronto
savings: $28,600
ETD: March 15, 2009 (although we may go earlier)

Yes, you'll notice a new date there. 
No, we're not getting cold feet.

Our trip to New Orleans and the resulting flight changes not only ate into the savings but also made me realize that emergencies can cost a lot more than you realize. And for The Big Trip™ that meant saving up for a bigger resettlement cushion and boosting the ever important just in case buffer.  

A later departure date also means a rejigging of our itinerary - either starting in South Africa and pushing South America to the end of the trip or adding Central America to the itinerary. But that's another post once we have a better idea of when we'll actually be leaving.


Cheryl said...

yay! i heart later dates! :)

liz and adrian said...

well hold on happy pants i don't know how much later. But if you get yourself on the away shoot i'll stick around for it and we'll have a great time before The Big Trip™.